Turmeric Supplement Guide & Product Comparisons

"When you look at the nutrition label on even the top Amazon brands, you'll find a lot of filler and unrefined turmeric root packed in capsules"

Turmeric supplements have become incredibly popular over the past 15 years. When we began our research into turmeric, literally every single person we talked to had great things to say about their experience. 

What is Turmeric Curcumin?

Turmeric is found widely across the world but it originates from India. To this day, India is still responsible for 80% of the world's turmeric cultivation and distribution. Over 50% of the world's turmeric is produced in the Maharashtra and Telangana provinces.

Map of India

Many companies will purchase high volumes of turmeric from India and extract the medicinal compounds from the root known as curcuminoids and use them to create potent turmeric supplements. Since turmeric has been around for thousands of years it is now being cultivated in almost every country in the world.

All turmeric grows in temperatures of 68-86 degrees Fahrenheit so its moderately easy to grow, despite inclement weather conditions.


Whole Root Vs. Supplement Form

Image of whole root turmeric on the left being compared to turmeric curcumin supplements on the right

If you are seeking turmeric for its medicinal properties this is a product where you actually would want to take a supplemented form. This is for a variety of reasons, the biggest being to boost the bio-availability of the turmeric curcumin.

Most companies extract the curcuminoids from the turmeric root or powder and add Bioperine (black pepper extract) to boost the bio-availability of the supplement. When black pepper is introduced to curcumin it makes curcumin more potent and effective. 

Whole root turmeric is hard to digest and leaves the body very quickly, limiting its health benefits. There is significantly more curcumin in supplement form than you're able to get from eating fresh turmeric.

Turmeric supplements are more viable because most of them come in enteric-coated capsules, meaning they can resist the stomach's harmful acids, as they make their way into the small intestine. When the curcuminoids are introduced to the body they have to reach the small intestine in or to be absorbed in the body. When you eat fresh turmeric the quality of it depreciates as it makes its way through the body.


Turmeric Curcumin’s Health Benefits

There are many health benefits associated with taking turmeric as a supplement.

Anti-Aging Properties

Turmeric is a very strong anti-oxidant. Antioxidants inhibit the production of free radicals that damage our cells and in theory affect the way we age.

Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Turmeric and its medicinal compound curcumin have been shown to reduce overall inflammation in study participants, and inflammation is linked with many bodily disorders: CVD (cardiovascular disease), Alzheimer's, autoimmune disorders, diabetes, arthritis, and many less common conditions.

Digestive Support

Turmeric curcumin has been shown to promote gallbladder function in study participants, which produces digestive enzymes vital to our digestive system.

Maintaining Triglyceride Levels

Turmeric has been shown to have an effect on triglycerides lipid levels in the blood, which can help provide daily energy for activities.*

Promotes Healthy Cardiovascular Function

Turmeric's antioxidants have shown to prevent cholesterol damage in study participants, by reducing levels of triglycerides and cholesterol - both large factors in preventing development of CVD (cardiovascular disease).


Additionally, studies have shown that turmeric may:

    • Help maintain healthy levels of triglycerides (a type of lipid) in the blood.*
    • Support normal bile production in the liver.*
    • Naturally stimulate the liver, as a bitter herb.*
    • Support digestion of fats by promoting healthy function of the gallbladder, whose enzymes are essential for breaking down that macronutrient.*
    • Support a healthy response to occasional pain.*
    • Support the production of proteins that naturally regulate immune cells.*
    • Help maintain healthy blood sugar levels already within normal ranges.*
    • Support the body's natural detoxification pathways.*
    • Promote healthy cardiovascular function.*
    • Help support healthy neurological function.*
    • Some studies have even shown turmeric to be effective in studied patients with different types and stages of cancer*

**If you are unsure about the interactions of medications with our supplements or any health concerns please consult your physician. Turmeric curcumin supplements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Statements made on this site have not been evaluated by the FDA.


 Potential Side Effects/Risks

There are very few potential side effects or risks associated with turmeric supplements even in very large doses. However, there are a few things to consider.

Large amounts of Turmeric may slow blood clotting, so it may be best to avoid high doses after surgery and/or for those with blood clotting disorders.* It's possible turmeric might reduce blood sugar, so people with diabetes should keep an eye on their blood sugar levels when taking a turmeric supplement.*

Turmeric has been shown in study participants to have very few if any negative side effects, but consult with a doctor before taking a turmeric supplement if you're not sure how it will affect you.


What To Look For When Buying Turmeric Curcumin

Photo of an older couple shopping for turmeric curcumin online

There are hundreds of turmeric curcumin companies and even more supplement companies that sell this supplement, so it's always a good idea to take these key factors into consideration prior to making your purchase.

Before buying any Turmeric curcumin supplement the first thing you should check for is the origin of manufacturing, and preferably choose a product that was manufactured in the United States. This is due to our stricter manufacturing guidelines.

From there, you want to be sure that the company you are buying from is cGMP (current Good Manufacturing Practices) certified. This certification regulated by the FDA (Food And Drug Administration) correlates with their rules and will not only ensure the quality of the product but the cleanliness also.

Be sure to choose a company that runs third-party tests on all outgoing products. This is very important because it tests for purity and quality to ensure that the nutrition label is accurate. If third-party testing is not done it puts you at risk of receiving unsafe products or supplements with contents that don't match up with what's listed on the label.

Choose a product that has black pepper extract — this is commonly referred to as “Bioperine” and is a must in a turmeric curcumin supplement. This allows higher turmeric absorption and works hand and hand with the curcumin compounds.

Dosage does matter when buying a turmeric supplement. Many companies will just put ground turmeric in a capsule and mark it for sale, which is not going to give you turmeric's real benefits. Look for a supplement that contains at least 95% curcuminoids, which indicates that they extracted the curcuminoids from the turmeric making for a far higher quality supplement that is many times more effective. A good rule of thumb is to choose a product that contains 1mg of Bioperine per 200mg of 95% curcuminoid extract.

Another factor to consider when ordering a turmeric curcumin supplement is enteric-coated capsules. Enteric coating allows the turmeric to remain undisturbed as it bypasses harmful stomach acids and makes it safely to the intestine where it's better absorbed and enters the bloodstream, resulting in maximum bio-availability.

Aim for organic when choosing a supplement for you, which ensures that the product was not genetically modified, or contains any harmful ingredients such as fillers, dyes, or chemical filling. Many nutritional supplements are being produced with inorganic fillers and contain chemical byproducts and this is definitely something to be wary of.


What To Avoid When Buying Turmeric Curcumin

Avoid any turmeric products that are not third-party tested. There are many reasons to choose turmeric supplements that are third-party tested, the main one being that you get a product that does not contain any contaminants.

If you plan on purchasing your turmeric supplement from Amazon be sure that the seller has positive reviews. Many sellers on Amazon will resell expired items to customers, or counterfeit items that offer no benefit. The best way of avoiding these problems is by choosing a seller with at least a 4-star rating, and positive reviews to back up their business. That may not completely eliminate your risk but it does help.

Avoid vague proprietary blends. When you look at the nutrition label on even the top Amazon brands, you'll find a lot of filler and unrefined turmeric root packed in capsules. Companies cut corners by filling their products with whole root instead of refined curcuminoids. Avoid products that don't specifically have 95% standardized curcuminoids printed on the nutrition label in the amount of 500mg or more as a daily serving. Don't forget to check for black pepper extract, or Bioperine, as turmeric has a very low bioavailability (bodily absorption rate) and this is one of the only known ways to increase it.

Of course, avoid products with low doses that aren't potent enough to be effective. Many turmeric curcumin products will have a dose of 200-500mg or less, despite the recommended dose being 1000mg per day.

Beware of third-party sellers on Amazon and Ebay. We've found that, especially in the supplement market, there are quite a few counterfeit and stolen bottles floating around. After finding many of our own products being sold without our permission, these practices appear to be very common. The conditions in which these bottles are produced/stored is unkown so make sure you buy supplements from the official brand or a known third party.


Turmeric Brand Recommendations

There are hundreds of different companies that offer turmeric curcumin supplements. However, most of these companies don't take every necessary precaution to make a good viable product. After doing some searching of our own here’s what we found.

Of course, we recommend BlueBiology Brand products as we hold our products to a very high standard. We don't cut corners when formulating and producing products. However, there are several high-quality brands on the market and we've listed our top picks for comparison.


#1: BlueBiology Turmeric Curcumin


Image of a bottle of BlueBiology Turmeric Curcumin


BlueBiology Turmeric Curcumin only consists of two ingredients, “standardized curcuminoids” and “Bioperine” (black pepper extract), for purity and potency.

BlueBiology Turmeric Curcumin is formulated in enteric-coated capsules to ensure the viability and deliverability of the supplement, each dose contains an industry-standard high (1000mg) of curcuminoids.

All BlueBiology products are manufactured domestically in accordance with cGMP standards.

Overall, consumers have had great feedback for BlueBiology Turmeric Curcumin. Ewellness Magazine reached out to us to feature this product along with BlueBiotics in separate articles on their website, and the price is competitive for a 95% curcuminoid standard product.

We take every factor into consideration when formulating our supplements, so with that being said, BlueBiology Turmeric Curcumin is placed as our number one recommendation.

#2: Youtheory Turmeric

This is an excellent supplement at a great price and backed by Youtheory’s in-house medical team.

Youtheory Turmeric supplement contains 1000 mg of Turmeric Curcumin, contains BioPerine, which helps with absorption and bioavailability, and uses a vegetarian capsule.

One of the few drawbacks of Youtheory products is the time it takes to process returns. They may take up to 21 days to get the job done, which we think is a little too long, however, they do offer a variety of discounts and promotions which is great because they really do have solid products.


#3: Paragon Curcumin Turmeric

This Turmeric supplement ranked number three on our list because they have the right formula, and it has a potent dose of 1500mg per serving. However, the capsules are not enteric-coated and are large in size, which can deteriorate the viability and can be hard for individuals to swallow.

  • Ultra-concentrated turmeric supplement
  • 1500mg per serving
  • 95% certified curcuminoid
  • Contains Bioperine (piperine) for maximum absorption
  • Non-GMO, gluten-free
  • Made in the USA in an FDA-registered lab
  • 90-Day Satisfaction Guarantee




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