Psoriasis and Probiotics

85 Million people in the US battle skin disease today, making skin diseases a common issue. [1] Some well-known skin issues such as Atopic dermatitis, Psoriasis, Acne, Rosacea, and Skin cancer has been studied with a focus on different ways to treat the symptoms with alternative routes.

Over the years there have been many studies performed to find the positive effects probiotics can have on your skin. Although there are not as many studies done directly on psoriasis and probiotics they can be found and do show both prebiotics as well as probiotics having a potentially positive benefit, more specifically as an option for the preventive role when it comes to dealing with psoriasis. [2] Today we will be focusing directly on how probiotics affect psoriasis

What is Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a skin disease that causes skin cells to develop roughly about 10 times faster than it would normally. Instead of growing cells in weeks, cells are grown in days. This typically can visually leave the skin appearing patchy, flaky skin, that tends to be red in color with the main symptom being itchiness. These patches are most often common to be found on knees, lower back, and elbows, but is not necessarily limited to those areas. This skin condition is not limited to any specific age range; however, the highest rate is in adults between the ages of 45-64[1] [3] Psoriasis is a skin disease that has multiple types of strains such as psoriatic arthritis, pustular psoriasis, and plaque.

Of the many people that battle psoriasis, approximately 25-30% experience psoriatic arthritis, which produces joint inflammation. While 20% of the people that are affected by psoriasis have severe psoriasis which is defined as having 5% or more of coverage on the body, a significantly higher amount only suffers with mild to moderate psoriasis. Regardless of the degree, you or a loved one may be suffering with, the one thing they all have in common, amongst the obvious is the ungodly cost to treat the condition. Over 5 years ago there was a study performed, with the mission to find the average cost to treat people with psoriasis. Shockingly the estimated cost was somewhere between $51 billion and $63 Billion. With cost clearly rising, other routes to help treat have become more of a focus, and interest. [1]

Studies Over the years has shown that imbalanced microbiota is linked to several dermatological diseases, some are psoriasis, acne vilgaris, and atopic dermatitis. The correlation on the gut microbiome being linked to immune diseases has been able to answer some questions scientist have had regarding the pathogenic role of microbiota. [2][3]

Unfortunately, psoriasis is a disease that can only be treated, not cured. Many people treat their symptoms with creams, lotions and other prescriptions from their doctor. But is there a more natural approach that could assist them in treatment?


Probiotics and Inflammatory Biomarker

In 2013 a study was performed on the effects of B infantis and results showed that it acted as a possible approach to treat psoriasis. [5] This study was over a 6-8 weeks and focused on patients with psoriasis. Chronic fatigue syndrome, and ulcer colitis. The focus was on the Inflammatory Biomarker, in each of the patients and the benefit of a probiotic. The results were this, compared to the patience that took the placebo, there was a significant increase in plasma levels and a noticeable reduction in TNF in patients with psoriasis. Fascinatingly, in healthy patients, it stimulated TNF and IL-6 secretion. These results maintained and data shows that probiotics may affect more than just the digestive system.

Gut Microbiome The Gut Axis Regulator

Interestingly, our gut interacts and sends signals to the skin, which is a major gut axis regulator. In 2012, a study was performed and showed that there was a solid link with the cells linked to the development of psoriatic arthritis while the probiotics help to regulate cells and reduce dry inflamed skin. [6] This study has been consistent with the findings that our gut has a vast influence on our immune system. However vast it is, and continue to learn, the system is very intricate. Regulating the body to protect against potential pathogens and environmental antigens. They protect us from invasions by binding to the epithelial cells. Indirectly they trigger immunoprotected responses. This is where probiotics also come in, protecting us from environmental things such as helping with aging, i.e. via environmental elements.

A case of severe pustular psoriasis that was documented, was unresponsive to steroids but found results when administered a probiotic. Lactobacillus sporogene was administered in supplement form. The results were astonishing as the patient was watched closely for the next 2 weeks. During the 2 weeks, he has given probiotic supplements 2 pills 3 times a day. Within 4 weeks the patient had got full positive results

Studies continue to be performed more and more evidence is surfacing that probiotics may have benefits in some of the most unlikely location of your body. What was once known as something you would only take for your gut health has turned into all in one helpful supplement.


  2. Thio, H.H. The microbiome in psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis: The skin perspective. J. Rheumatol. Suppl.2018, 94, 30–31.
  3. Drust, B.; Cable, N.T.; Reilly, T. Investigation of the effects of the pre-cooling on the physiological responses to soccer-specific intermittent exercise. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. Occup. Physiol. 2000, 81, 11–17
  4. 5. Trivedi B. Microbiome: The surface brigade. Nature. 2012;492:S60–S61. doi: 10.1038/492S60a
  5. 6. Grice E.A. The skin microbiome: Potential for novel diagnostic and therapeutic approaches to cutaneous disease. Semin. Cutan. Med. Surg. 2014;33:98–103. doi: 10.12788/j.sder.0087
  6. Groeger, D.; O’Mahony, L.; Murphy, E.F.; Bourke, J.F.; Dinan, T.G.; Kiely, B.; Shanahan, F.; Quigley, E.M. Bifidobacterium infantis 35624 modulates host inflammatory processes beyond the gut. Gut Microbes 2013, 4, 325–339.
  7. Vijayashankar, M.; Raghunath, N. Pustular psoriasis responding to Probiotics—A new insight. Our Dermatol. Online 2012, 3, 326–328
  8. Vijayashankar M., Raghunath N. (2012). Pustular psoriasis responding to probiotics – A new insight.Our Dermatol. 3 326–329. 10.7241/ourd.20124.71
  9. Vijayashankar, M.; Raghunath, N. Pustular psoriasis responding to Probiotics—A new insight. Our Dermatol. Online 2012, 3, 326–328
  10. 10. Vinolo, M.A.R.; Rodrigues, H.G.; Nachbar, R.T.; Curi, R. Regulation of inflammation by short chain fatty acids. Nutrients 2011, 3, 858–876
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